* Open you task manager by pressing ctrl+Alt+Del
* Now go to processes tab and click users so as to arrange the processes according to the users.
* Now look for svchost.exe run by User name “user” or “admin” or “your computer name”. Right click and end the svchost.exe processes where the User Name is not “SYSTEM” or “NETWORK SERVICE” or “LOCAL SERVICE”.
* Next Open you command prompt by Clicking Start > Run and then typing cmd in the text box and hitting enter.
* In the dialogue window, type “ cd \ ” and press Enter
* It will change to C:\>
* Next, type " attrib -s -r -h heap41a /s /d "[without quotes ] and press Enter
* Then Open C: on My computer and delete the folder heap41a ie C:\heap41a
* Now remove C:\heap41a\svchost.exe shortcut from C:\Documents and Settings\USER\Start Menu\Programs\Startup (Or Start > All Programs >Startup)
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